Saturday, May 30, 2015

Steal a line from Neruda
Do not take away the rose,
I cherish it every moment.
Take good care of it,
water it every day.
Watch it grow week by week,
Sitting next to the sunshine from the window.
Don’t take it away,
the only thing that motivates me.
keeps me looking out towards the community,
keep me awoke and ready to explore.

Do not take away the rose.
Broken Bond
 We fought every day for happiness;
the measurement of success was low.

Our love was just able to fit in a cylinder;
the bond we had wasn’t as strong as others thought.
It was a struggle between two living organisms,
my brother and I,
and my life was being dissected, torn apart.

Little by little,
it felt like dangerous chemicals touched my soul.
We weren’t the same as before;
Everything’s broken.
We had become separate particles.
leaving each other ,

and now he’s gone. 

Ideas for a Saturday-
On nice Saturdays like today its always good to write something in your journal. It can be a poem, essay, short story or anything just get a writing utensil in your had and stay productive.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Hey everyone!
Don't forget coffee house is tonight at SOTA come support your seniors for thier last time performing on stage!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Hint fiction


The waves on the ocean were deep. Deep enough for a child to drown. The adults didn’t let the children in the water.


They left the door unlocked, now her wallet is missing. Kim was the only person here now she’s gone.


I just met her about two weeks ago. She’s going far away and now she’s leaving me for a long period of time

Double Date

My first time going on a double date. Twice as many dishes, twice as many kisses—it was great!


I’ve been waiting for her. She walked in rushing through the double doors—still not ready!