Saturday, April 25, 2015

This week has been a week where the weather been changing constantly. Some days it was hot and nice and some days it was just very miserable and dry or maybe even snowing. its April and I'm still seeing snow in Rochester. I'm not too surprised, its Rochester! I'm just hoping for sun and sun only this week coming up !

Image result for sun

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Do not take away the rose,

I cherish it every moment.

Take good care of it,

water it every day.

Watch it grow week by week,

Sitting next to the sunshine from the window.

Don’t take it away,

the only thing that motivates me.

keeps me looking out towards the community,

keep me awoke and ready to explore.

Do not take away the rose.

Child Protective Service

When I was 6 years old they put me in the adoption center,

to take me away from my family.

The night after being there,

I couldn’t sleep.


I wanted to go back to what I called home.

but I was scared of all the fighting.

So I stayed where I was,

sitting on top of a bunk bed,

biting my nails.


Shivering in the cold air from the cracked window,

I thought of what my mother told me.












                                                                Complaining of homework


Every day of my life I hear about 50% of kids who surround me complain about homework. “Why do he give us homework every day?” Well kid don’t you know hard work pays off? Most likely, later in your life you’ll be doing something you love every day. I understand that you want to hurry and get out of school. You can’t get out of school unless you pass your state test.  This means you have to do your homework to actually pass the course.

So many kids have after school activities such as sports, clubs, plays and more!  These are the kids that constantly complain the most! They have so much enthusiasm for the things they love but when it comes to homework they look so exhausted! After having a long day from playing your favorite sport, or rehearsing your favorite play homework is definitely not on your mind anymore.

When your teacher question you where your homework is most likely the reply would be I had a game last night I was tired. Being tired to do homework but having the energy to play in your game shouldn’t be the case. While homework is 35% of your grade in most classes it should be your priority 35% of the time.

When you complain all the time about homework it clearly get you nowhere. If you take your time to do it you’ll maintain yourself and your grades. Most kids have a two free periods out of the day. Everyone have at least one free period out of the day even though you may not consider it that way! Lunch, lunch can be a time when you complete your homework instead of complaining later in the day.  Kids that complain can become very obnoxious. Instead of talking about your win or lose at last night game homework can become your priority.

I literally hate kids who always ask what the homework was for last night was! Students who take everything serious but complain when it’s time for homework is so annoying! If you just do your homework we wouldn’t have to hear your crappy voice every day!



Writing hides inside your shoe,

the writing is unknown waiting to be discovered,

writing hides walking silently ,

 only I know where it stands.

Writing hides at the bottom of the ocean,

Where the fish swims over.

Writing hides under my sheets in my bed,

waiting to be uncovered.

Writing hides in the cake ingredients

Waitng patiently to be baked.

writng been hiding for centuries,

still unknown and is a mystery.

Writing hides inside my folder,

Waiting for my hand to turn the page.

Automat, 1927

He promised her that hour alone,

but time passed by

and he still didn’t show.

She sat down with her legs crossed,

right over left.

She stared at the mug as if it was a human,

still wondering where he could be.

Lonely, miserable, and embarrassed,

she sat waiting.


Her stomach was rumbling

no food on this day.

She still waited.

waited for hours,

sitting alone.


The hiss of the radiator,

hurt her ears,

but she shivered in her seat,

cold, cold hearted.

Still the abundance of her heart told her to wait--

and she waited.





                Protection is a 5’4 girl who is always active. She is a trustworthy person to have a relationship with. She makes everything she is surrounded by safe. Protection is always dressed in clothing that covers up her skin completely. When she goes hunting, her bulletproof vest is usually on. Protection lives all around the world; she moves from house to house. The neighborhoods she lives in are unusually quiet.  She has to buy an alarm system.

Protection is scared to be in a relationship because she is so concerned about her safety. She don’t trust anyone. Every day of her life she makes sure her house, car, and personal items are secured and put out of people’s sight. Protection has a problem trusting others because of her past. She lived in a house where people steal almost all of her belongings. She was used to coming home every day and missing something very valuable to her.  Protection’s past has made her who she is now-- an overprotective person


Negativity only speaks when he wants his way. He is never in a good mood. He told me the group plan wouldn’t work out; he didn’t give it a try. He never agrees with others and their thoughts! Negativity always have something bad to say. I see Negativity everywhere. He’s always wandering around the world somewhere. Negativity answers everything with “no.” He does not like many people; when he doesn’t like someone or something bad has happened, his actions usually show that. People dislike Negativity because of the problems he causes. When you’re around Negativity, it’s like being around the devil. Be prepared for hell at the moment. He reminds people of nothing just an empty dark room. Negativity gets in a lot of people’s problems. Most of the time he ruins relationships.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Today is a rainy day where mud is everywhere. Its a day just to relax in the computer lab and get some great writing done. I'm beginning a romance story today off the top of my head. This requires so much editing afterwards. Something to expect from young writers or just any writer. Lets get going!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Thief of always
Chapter eight-thirteen
Prompt: Describe a precious item you lost or that was stolen from you.

 I left my life in a small situation,
thinking I would hold on forever.
It was gone,
I didn't know where to search.
my life was taken away.
So many credit cards I had to void,
my life was thrown away.
My wallet was gone.

 I wrote a poem a few months back ago in November a week before thanksgiving. The poem was a rhyming poem but it was very powerful to me about life. The poem is below, please give me feedback.

I’m now walking dead.

It’s unbelievable I can’t even began to lift my head.

I dream at night so much while lying in bed.


It’s beginning to become sad.

It’s as if I walk around the world and no one looks glad.


Turning on the TV, and flipping the newspaper every day,

Observing how people die in so many negative ways.


I just sit back and wonder,

When would we change?

When would we get along?

Why can’t our young generation live so long?


The reason……..


Because the kids of today,

Don’t know the difference between right and wrong.


It’s the lyrics that they receive from all the inappropriate songs.

The killing never stops.


This is what the youth don’t see,

It makes life obfuscated to show who they really want to be.



It couldn't fit anywhere

I fought every day for happiness,

the measurement of success was low.


The love and affection was just able fit in a cylinder.

The bond wasn’t as strong as others thought,

my life was being dissected, torn apart.


Little by little,

Felt like a dangerous chemical touched my soul.

We weren’t the same as before.

But, DNA inside us was too similar

I knew we were related in some way.


I fell down so hard.

The gravity picked me up and I’m back again!
I haven't been working on much writing projects in class. This give me plenty of time to work on other writing I been wanting to began.